

Dispatches from my plus-size pregnancy - Women’s Health

Boots slashed the price of morning-after pills on Black Friday. Why not every day? - The Guardian

'The problem of gendered language is universal' – how AI reveals media bias - The Guardian

I Was Double Dosed On The Morning After Pill Because Of My Weight - Refinery29
Britney's Story Isn't Unique - Fertility Control Is A Real Issue For Women - Grazia

Why a New Domestic Abuse Law Isn't Yet Stopping Tragic Homicides - Vice

My neighbour was murdered when I was 17 - so don't tell me that restraining orders work - The Telegraph

How can we reform the criminal justice system to protect rape victims? - The Independent

The Justice System Is Failing Rape Victims - Vice

Why You Can Get Migraines Before Your Period - DAYE

The Complex Relationship Between Pregnancy Tests & Women’s Rights - DAYE

I want to buy the morning after pill without feeling ashamed - Metro

The workplace is not fit for purpose when it comes to the menopause - The Independent

The Morning-After Pill Wasn’t Meant to Be a 'Plan B'. What Happened? - Vice

How many women know they can still be prosecuted for having an abortion? - The Independent

Northern Ireland is now leading the way on women's rights – the rest of the UK must follow suit - The Independent

I Got Pregnant After Taking The Morning After Pill - Refinery29

Whether It's A Miscarriage Or Abortion, Women Deserve The Same Level Of Compassion - Grazia

What Happens When an Abortion Doesn’t Fully Work - Vice

Just Because I Had An Abortion Doesn't Mean I'm Not Grieving - Refinery29

Sex and Relationships

Post-Pandemic, How Do You Ever Really Know How You Feel About Someone? - Refinery29

How Banks Are Controlling Your Wanks - Vice

How to flirt when you’ve forgotten how to socialise - Dazed

Could You Afford To Leave Your Partner? - Refinery29

If Carrie And Big Really Have Split, I’m Glad Because He’s Toxic - Grazia

Tall, Dark And ... Vaccinated: Are Covid Jabs The Hottest Dating Accessory This Summer? - Grazia

How I Learned I Was Lovable Again After An Abusive Relationship - Refinery29

This Microphone-Shaped Sex Toy (Beloved by Sex Educators) Makes My Whole Body Tremble - The Strategist

"Like Normal People's Marianne, my boyfriend hid our relationship" - Cosmopolitan

'I've Had Sex With Five People In The Past Few Weeks': The Sex Ban Might Be Over, But For Some It Never Existed - Grazia

How to Have Sex Under Lockdown Without Leaving the House - Vice

The Most Ridiculous Sex Myths, Debunked - Vice

The incredible ways queer people are redefining Valentine's Day - Cosmopolitan

I'm OK Being Single At Weddings – Please Stop Making It A Big Deal - Refinery29

It is Absolutely Fine to be Upset when a Short Relationship Ends - Originally published on The Pool

Fitness / body image / bodies

I regret speaking so publicly about my weight loss - and I fear for Adele - Metro

As A Plus-Size Woman, I'll Never Be Comfortable With The Word Fat - Refinery29

As a plus-size fashion fan, buying my first ever designer dress was a revelation - The Telegraph

Love Island: We Need To Unpick The Female Contestants' Obsession With Gym Boys- Grazia

Post Lockdown, How Can Gym Culture Change to Be More Inclusive? - Women’s Health

I’ve learnt the hard way that BMI only tells half of the story - The Telegraph

‘I’d be the only black person at yoga’: meet the fitness trailblazers diversifying the wellness industry - The Guardian

'I didn't think it was for curvy people like me, now I know it's for everyone': why yoga has room for all shapes and sizes - The Guardian

'Why I'm the Odd One Out: What It Feels Like to Be Fat, Fit, & Excluded from Wellness Because of It' - Women’s Health

How I Got Healthy Without #CleanEating - Refinery29

How To Make Swimming Your Number One Exercise If You're As Crap At Exercise As Me - Grazia

How I learnt to throw away the curvy woman's fashion rule book and finally embrace the trends I've always loved - The Telegraph

Mental health

How to Talk to That Friend Who's Taking the Sesh Too Far - Vice

Your Therapist Is Just as Burnt Out as You - Vice

COVID and the cost to children’s mental health - Raconteur for The Times

When will people realise taking anti-depressants isn’t the easy option? - Metro

Women Who Take Medication For Their Mental Health Share Their Stories - Refinery29

Being Diagnosed With OCD Was The Happiest Day Of My Life - Refinery29

How pottery can keep you sane - 1843

How Running Got This Woman Through Her Panic Disorder - Refinery29 / Adidas

Politics, society and the environment

‘Rent is driving many families into destitution’: why are 4 million children living in poverty? - Guardian

'I Risked My Life for a Concert' – The Vaccine Hesitant People Who Got COVID - Vice

The Government Swears You Can Buy a Home with a 5% Deposit – But There's a Catch - Vice

Why Vaccine Hesitancy Is Rising Among Young People - Vice

Scared for lockdown to end? Me too - Huff Post

Has cancel culture gone too far? - The Independent

Only a Handful of Clubs Received Funding from the £257m Arts Survival Fund - Vice

The 50 Moments That Defined Europe This Decade - Vice (contributor)

What can we learn from our grandparents about sustainable living? - The Independent

Why is it so hard to shop for sustainable fashion when you're plus size? - The Telegraph

What’s the environmental cost of flying halfway round the world to say ‘I do’? - The Independent

Everything You Can Do To Protest Boris Johnson's Suspension Of Parliament - Refinery29

Environmental Horror & Political Scandal: What You Need To Know About The Amazon Rainforest Fires - Refinery29

Sex work

Sex Workers Tell Us About Their Richest Client Ever - Vice

This Is How Much Money Findommes Really Make - Vice

This Is How Much Money Cam Girls Really Make - Vice

This Is How Much Money Paypigs Really Spend on Findom - Vice


The DM That Changed My Life: 'Please Come to the Meeting Room :)' - Vice

How to Quit Your Shit Job and Become…a Climate Activist! - Vice

How to Quit Your Shit Job and Become…a Professional Drag King! - Vice

How to Quit Your Shit Job and Become… a Sugar Baby! - Vice

How to Quit Your Shit Job and Become... a Webcam Girl! - Vice

How to Quit Your Shit Job and Become... a Professional Nail Artist! - Vice

How to Quit Your Shit Job and Become... a Professional Drag Queen! - Vice

How to Quit Your Shit Job and Become… a Tattoo Artist! - Vice

How to Quit Your Shit Job and Become... a Ceramicist! - Vice

How to Quit your Shit Job… and Become a Dominatrix! - Vice

Radio // Podcasts

All the Way with…. - Cosmopolitan

Woman’s Hour: the Morning-After Pill - BBC (guest)

Are You Sure You Want This? - A Single Serving Podcast by Shani Silver (guest)

D for Diagnosis - BBC Radio 4 (interviewee)

Julia George Show - BBC Radio Kent (interviewee about Women in Sport)


News at 1pm (Monday December 2nd 2019) - BBC1

Interviewed on fat positive fitness - Studio 5


Illustration by Suzi Kemp

Illustration by Suzi Kemp

Illustration by The Covatar

Illustration by The Covatar

Screenshot 2019-12-02 at 19.36.13.png
By Philip Haynes for Women’s Health

By Philip Haynes for Women’s Health

With Jane Garvey on BBC Woman’s Hour

With Jane Garvey on BBC Woman’s Hour